Chelsea Pottenger!
Yesterday I attended a webinar by CHELSEA POTTENGER and it reminded me of the importance of practising gratitude. Today in a coaching session, the topic came up again. It sounds like a good time to re-share my 3 steps to practising gratitude. Practising Gratitude is more than just thinking positive. It is about choosing to find a silver lining – no matter how small. Here’s 3 steps I follow each day: 1. Think 2. Write 3. Act 1: Think about the people, places, and things you’re grateful for that day. 2: Write them down. Specifically, what you’re grateful for and why. 3. Act on Gratitude. If you’ve written down the name of a person, act on this by letting them know why you’re grateful for them. Pick up the phone, send an email. Expressing genuine gratitude to your peers, friends, family makes a positive difference. Pay it forward. Identify actions you could take to help someone else. Practising gratitude promotes good physical health. It strengthens relationships and encourages others to pay it forward. Practice Gratitude in 3 steps – Think, Write, and Act – the joy will follow.